Amplified™Suite - Advanced Online Marketing
Each of the individual Amplified™ Audit programs can act as stand-alone research solutions, if you already are aware of the remaining metrics or have already completed a full Audit .
If there are no foundational metrics, we should consider performing a complete Amplified™ Rank Audit and Amplified™ Competition Audit to review as we build your strategies.
Amplified™ Audit Modules:
Amplified™ Research Audit
Research Your Keywords
The first thing to do is to spot the exact words people will type in Google to find your website. Our Amplified™ Research Audit tool will help us find keywords with the biggest potential to bring in your desired profits. We’ll be quick to pick out the most frequently searched keywords at which your online competitors are the weakest!
Amplified™ Competition Audit
Know Your Competitors for Your Target Key Phrases
The Amplified™ Audit Program includes the unique software tool Amplified™ Competition Audit that uncovers your competitors' linking strategy and provides you with an SEO Blueprint: a step–by–step personal plan we use to outsmart any other competitive website out there, within a short period
of time.
Amplified™ Rank Audit
Estimate Your Progress
We can quickly check where you rank, for all of your internet promotion keywords, in the primary search engines! Amplified™ Rank Audit is your chance to be ahead of the curve at any moment, and grow your site's performance. If rankings just don’t make sense based on your efforts, our Complete SE and Aggregator Rank Report just may show the global problem, and complete answer, to a promotion ranking deficiency.
Optimization Modules:
Amplified™ Page Audit
Optimize Website Content
The content of your web page must be optimized for top rankings. With
the Amplified™ Page Audit tool, we will optimize your content easily and professionally. This advanced internet marketing software gives us specific and measurable advice on how to exactly arrange the selected keywords
on your website to get maximum chances to appear in top search
engines results.
Amplified™ Link Audit
Get Links Pointing to Your Website
Obviously, having numbers of high quality links pointing to your website is crucial when Google decide how to rank your site. Our advanced internet promotion link management tool Amplified™ Link Audit lets us boost your website's link popularity and skyrocket it straight to Google's top. We'll find top quality link partners; we can establish thousands of first-class links, back up your link popularity with extra security steps, and manage your link building, with one simple and quick tool.
* The lower cost module for an “Average Audit ” is available on the following
Internet modules:
Research Audit
- We build the key phrase lists using one
online service
| Page Audit
- Using our SEO/Core™ or
“AverageCorporate” metrics
Internet Promotion Archives
Click here for reprints and timely articles on search engines, advanced optimization, advanced marketing, and advertising ideas.

Category: Internet Marketing