Search Engines- Pay Per Click Campaigns
PPC Campaign Management
With the automation of many tasks that would typically bethe responsibility of a search engine marketing agency, we are able to lowerour fees to address only the most critical management functions of metricstracking and organic campaign adjustments from the changing key phrases.Additionally, research may also suggest adjusting the phrases outside of thebid tracking system, based on new found intelligence or market-driven changes.
- Average 1.75 Hours per Month
- 21 Hours Annually
$200.00 Management Fee Does not include monthly PPC Budget |
- Average 4 Hours per Month
- 48 Hours Annually
$500.00 Management Fee Does not include monthly PPC Budget |
- Average 6.25 Hours per Month
- 75 Hours Annually
$800.00 Management Fee Does not include monthly PPC Budget |
Additional Available Reporting
We can also provide reportingservices for our clients, scraping the statistics from your web host clientaccess area and/or analytics account and deliver one uniform Excel, PDF, HTMLor Doc file. This allows busy executives to simply open a regularly scheduledemail and view core site statistics, without the need to remember to login andreview. There is an additional 2 hour monthly minimum fee for this service.
Yes! I want my company to be at the top, too!
At no time will Grant Communications sell, trade, rent or distribute personal information to any outside organization. We use email addresses to send requested information and to respond to the email we receive. Information such as name, title and company information is used to determine the demographics of our audience and help us to present the information of most value to those who visit.
Click here for reprints and timely articles on search engines, optimization, marketing, and advertising ideas.
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In 2004, QuinStreet, Inc.
of Menlo Park, CA (a leading online direct marketing company and one of our clients), ranked us in the top 25 in the world for SEO results! This is particularly meaningful to us, as
over 2,000 leading organic and PPC firms participate in Quinstreets’ International
affiliate programs.