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What We Do

View the main topics pages for web design, brand identity, web hosting and training.View how we have brought business development and sales solutions to the table for clients since 1992. How can we help your company achieve the integrated communications results
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copy development


Copy is all the written text in the body and sidebars of a web site. Copy for a web site requires a different style than other mediums to be effective. It is always a good idea to use a web writing specialist who understands the nuances and reader behavior on the Internet to create your site's copy.

copy development process

  • Exploration
    Information research and organization
  • Writing
    Text generation
  • Editing
    Style review, grammar and spelling proofreading

required expertise

activities, time and costs estimates

  • Technical Editing: 0.25 hrs/pg, $25/pg
    Grammar and spelling proofreading and and corrections
  • Style and Technical Editing: 0.5 hrs/pg, $50/pg
    Proofreading web best practices style recommendations grammar corrections
  • Copy Writing: 1.0 hrs/pg, $ 100/pg
    Text writing from client prepared information, editing
  • Exploration and Copy Writing: 2.0 hrs/pg, $200/pg
    Content research, text writing, editing

Web Design





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Contact us for your web design and SEO needs