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Pay Per Click Programs

When performing a search on a search engine such as Google, users view a ‘Results' screen that is broken out into primary and secondary viewing areas. The main body with listings is from natural placement of the web sites ranked by the individual engines’ algorithms, called organic placement.

The right side bar is for paid advertisements, where companies bid on gaining the top position for click-through rates. This advertising model is also known as PPC, or Pay Per Click. In addition to the right column, engines sometimes offer space above the organic listings for ‘Sponsored Links’. This is a second and more expensive position for the PPC model.

While it is the most difficult task, reaching a #1 ranking in the organic listing is more than just an ego boost; Nielsen reports that the natural listings are used by searchers over 95% of the time, while PPC advertisements account for less than 5% of search results. And organic listing achievement is a single engagement, while PPC is truly advertising with monthly expenses based on users clicking on the ads. Below is a diagram showing the natural vs. the paid listings:

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We employ a 4-Step process in the optimization of a clients site. Many companies talk about Meta tag creation and content; very few speak about DTDs. DTDs are document definitions, and are the basis for any electronic document. The engines admit that over 100 DTDs are available for algorithm relevancy measurement on a web site. We consciously select the top 20 elements in an optimization engagement, then enhance this with our other steps to create a robust and survivable program for our clients.

Should I Use Both Strategies?

While the organic listings may achieve a 95% click through rate, remember that the 5% PPC clicks are generally highly qualified browsers. These pay per click program viewers may also be highly motivated buyers, so a combination of both strategies is recommended to surround the search engine viewers with alternative means of accessing your site.


Click here for reprints and timely articles on search engines, optimization, marketing, and advertising ideas.


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Category: Pay Per Click Program



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